
Okanagan Shuswap Sheep Producers’ Association (OSSPA) Monthly Meetings.
Guests are always welcome to attend.


Regular Meeting, Sunday, March 2 at 1:00 PM – Anchor Inn Meeting Room (upstairs), 3030 Smith Drive, Armstrong or via Zoom. Guests please contact Mark Ishoy at


Sunday, September 29 Symposium for Sheep Producers – Producing a Quality Lamb Carcass 10:45 AM to 2:45 PM $25 each, includes lunch. Pre-registration required – Phone 250 546 3134 for more information.

Wednesday, August 28 and Friday, August 30 – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

IPE, Armstrong at the Show Barn – Please stop by and meet some of our members.

Sunday, June 16, 2024 at 1:00 PM – in person regular meeting at Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong (small hall, door facing Pleasant Valley Road) or Via Zoom (for access contact Mark Ishoy, Presentation by Janet Bauer, Sure Crop Feeds Inc. Topic:  Feed for Sheep

Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 1:30 PM – in person meeting at Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong (small hall, door facing Pleasant Valley Road) or Via Zoom (for access contact Mark Ishoy, Topics for Discussion are CFIA Proposed changes to the regulation regarding Health of Animals and cameras in the barn.

Tuesday, February 27 at 7:00 PM Via Zoom (for access please contact Mark Ishoy, President,

Dr. Jay Thurgood, DVM, presenting Parasite Control & Overview of Lambing
Regular Meeting to follow presentation
Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 1:00 PM
AGM and Regular Meetings
Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong (small hall, door facing Pleasant Valley Boulevard)
Wednesday, April 19 at 7:00 PM
Regular meeting at Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong (small hall, door facing Pleasant Valley Road)
Sunday, February 26 at 1:00 PM – Presentation on Lambing by Rebecca Heslop
Due to weather concerns the meeting will be held via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Sunday, January 15 at 1:00 PM
Regular meeting at Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong (small hall, door facing Pleasant Valley Road)


Sunday, November 20 at 1:15 PM
AGM and Regular meeting at Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong (small hall, door facing Pleasant Valley Road)

Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00 PM                                                                                                                                                                        Regular meeting held indoors at 2501 Powerhouse Road, Armstrong  250.546.3134. Please bring a lawn chair.

Sunday, May 15 at 1:00 PM
Regular meeting to be held outdoors at Finlay Farm, 1952 Rashdale Road, Armstrong  250.546.6223
Please bring a lawn chair and if you wish a beverage please bring that along.
Wednesday, March 2 at 7:00 PM
Zoom Meeting – For more information please contact Tara Fulop, 519-590-5118

Sunday, November 21 at 1:00 PM

Regular Meeting to be held at Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong. 

October 17 at 2:00 PM

Regular Meeting to be held outdoors at a member farm. For meeting venue information please phone 250.546.6223.

September 15 – 6:00 PM
AGM and Regular Meeting to be held outdoors at a member farm. For meeting venue information please phone 250.546.6223.


October 18
Sheep Handling System Demonstration, Armstrong (Spallumcheen) Farm.

September 16
AGM & Regular Meeting
Meeting outdoors following COVID-19 guidelines.

August 9
Summer Social held at Rocking M Farm in Lavington, BC

February 16
Dr. Jay Thurgood, Shuswap Veterinary Clinic


November 17
Brent Smith, Enforcement Officer, Meat Inspection Program, Ministry of Agriculture.
The Livestock Protection Program (LPP) including information regarding verification and mitigation services available to cattle and sheep producers for injury, harassment or death loss caused by wolves and coyotes.

October 16
Regular Meeting & Review of Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep

September 18
Regular Meeting & AGM

May 15
Cathy Olszewski, Crafting in the Shuswap – Needle Felting

April 17
Kevin Morin, Kelowna Free Graze – Tanning Sheepskins.

March 17
Phillip Copping, Shearer, Armstrong – Preparing Fleeces for Shipping.

February 17
Kim Kaiser, Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society – Invasive plant species, particularly those which negatively affect sheep/livestock.
CSISS top invasive plants poster 2017 Page 1(PDF) Page 1 (PDF)

January 20
Dr. Jay Thurgood, Shuswap Veterinary Clinic – Lambing


2018 OSSPA Education Report (pdf)

October 21
Steve Meggait, Small-Scale Meat Producers Association (PDF)

September 28 & 29
BC Sheep Federation AGM & Educational Conference
Odd Fellows Hall, Armstrong

June 20 
Fleece Talk with Jody Atkinson, Ponderosa Spinners, Weavers & Fibre Artists

May 16
Dr. Shaun Tryon, Armstrong Veterinary Clinic
“Fun with Feces” – Part 2, how to detect parasites in sheep.

April 18
Richard Yntema, Owner, Valley Wide Meats, Enderby
Lamb/Sheep Meat Quality and Grade Information.

January 21
Dr. Rod Gilmer and Dr. Caroline Ohse, Armstrong Veterinary Clinic
Lambing Information Session.


October 18
Caleb Stuart, Sales Agronomist, Okanagan Fertilizer Ltd., Enderby
Benefits of fertilizing, soil testing and crop management.

May 17
Jalen Thurgood, Okanagan Shuswap 4-H Lamb Club, will provide information regarding
Tasvax 5 in 1 Vaccine for Sheep and How Vaccines Work.

April 19
Chuck Melanson, Shuswap Insurance Brokers, Enderby, will be conducting an information session regarding farm insurance.
Confirmation of your attendance by April 12 would be appreciated

January 29 – Predator Verification Course
Sergeant Kevin Van Damme
Conservation Officer Service, Ministry of Environment, Kamloops
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Odd Fellows Hall, 3005 Wood Avenue, Armstrong